Color By Numbers for Adults

Game Information

Publisher: Veraxen LTD

Available: iOS and Google Play

Grandma Proof: Very easy to play after a bit of help getting started

Cost:  There is an extensive free level to the game

Bottom Line: This is a great game to teach Grandma to play! 

Detailed Review

There are many “paint by number” games on the app stores. We recommend this one because of its extensive free level and engaging choices. 

Game play is very simple. You start by choosing the artwork you would like to paint. To play the game you choose a color number, then to hunt to find the spaces with that number. In that way, game play is reminiscent of the Paint by Number sets many of us did as children.  

Each painting  has from 50 to 100 unique colors and thousands of spaces to color. It can take an hour or more to complete one painting.

There is an educational component to playing this game. Playing this game makes you much more aware of the myriad of colors in a simple object. 

This game can become very addictive. Once you start a piece of art it is very tempting to keep working on it until it is completed. Since one piece of art can take an hour, it can really burn through time. It is a good game to play while listening to an audiobook or music.